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Todays birthday cars:
70 years old
67 years old
66 years old
65 years old
64 years old
63 years old
62 years old

VIN 20867S111351

Car Year: 1962
Car's approximate birthday: May 17, 1962
Owner: No Present Owner
State: Unknown
Exterior: Roman Red
Interior: Black
Softtop: Other Color
Wheels: Other Color
Delivery Dealer Zone: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Code: Unknown
Options: RPO Option Percentage
Sold [%]
Sales Price
  0867 Base Corvette (1x4 250hp) 100.00% 4,038.00
  Total   0.000273475772959%
(1 Cars)
Factory job nr.: Unknown
Export Car: Non Export Car
Car history:
For sale via e-Bay:

EASY '62 Corvette project car. You could have it running again easily in a weekend! Probably the most popular color combination....Red with black interior. This is not a matching number car, as I was building it as a driver for fun. It comes with LOTS of the hard to get parts, which I will list below. It is also missing some parts. Only what is listed, and shown in the pictures of the car, is included. There are several items included which are not pictured, though, which I will also list, to avoid any confusion. Just because it may be on my garage floor in some of the pictures, do not assume it is included, as I am still restoring 5 other Corvettes. I just have too many projects, so I've been selling off a few Corvettes. I have a VIN tag and a title for this car in my name....

Parts included: Complete body on rolling, rust free frame. The gas lid, cowl vent, and headlight surrounds ARE included (I forgot to pick them up at the paint shop), and they are painted to match the car. Also included are a beautiful, rechromed and polished windshield frame with new glass, a convertible top frame with the mounting brackets (needs some work and assembly), new dash pad, new carpets, clutch and brake pedal assembly, master cylinder, wiper motor mounting plate, radiator (recently flushed and painted), fan, steering box and column, gas tank (recently flushed and cleaned....Needs to be reinstalled)), and used tail lights. The windows and door mechanisms are in the doors and properly functioning. The wheels, tires and hub caps are from one of my other cars, and are not included. Rolling tires and wheels will be provided.

Mechanicals: VERY good running 327" motor, #3858174, pad #F0308HF, dated March 2, 1966. This is from a '66 passenger car rated at 275 HP. It has Corvette aluminum valve covers, an aluminum intake manifold, tach drive distributor, and a rebuilt carburetor (all of which I will install within a few days). It has a Muncie four speed transmission with Hurst shifter, and a good steering column and box. The car has not been driven in about a year, so assume it will need fluids changed and a tuneup.

The paint is less than a year old, and still needs to be buffed out. There are a couple of very minor places where the paint/ body need fixing. Also, the headlights and the related parts (all included), the gas door, and the cowl door need to be reinstalled. This is not show quality paint, but, with some minor work, a good washing, and a buff, will be fine for a driver. Some of the items I know of which are not included: Seats, instruments, door panels, kick panels, side cove and rocker moldings, bumpers, and I'm sure other items. All of these items are regularly on ebay for the winning bidder to buy later. I have enough parts to build several of these cars, which I often sell on ebay myself. I will be listing many of these parts in the next few days. Feel free to email me with any questions pertaining to what is, and what is not, included.
For Sale: No

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